Monday, September 24, 2007

Our Pastor's wife has been working on this book for a few years, and has just sent in the final copy. Yahoo! We have all been praying for her and her family as they have been having to add this book in to an already busy schedule. Take a look hope you enjoy it.


Friday, September 7, 2007

The Creath Family on Saturday Night

So you may be thinking, "What does the Creath family do on the weekend to keep from becoming sticks in the mudd?"

This picture might give you a small idea. :) While John was being creative I sat in the recliner drinking a cup of tea.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Visit home...

We are home (GA). The first visit since we were married.

John and I have been enjoying our time with family, and very close friends. Staying up way to late, and filling every moment that we have here with great joy, and blessing.

We arrived Thursday, Friday we went swimming with our brothers, and sisters, I officially recieved my first sunburn of the year. Really sad for a Georgia girl that used to swim all the time. Today (Saturday Sept 1st) we are celebrating John's birthday. Started the morning with chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice. Now we are all just kinda of doing our own thing for a while. I am unsure how we will fill the rest of the morning and afternoon, I do know that ice cream cake, and presents will fill the evening.

Happy birthday John.