Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Nesting... or being a neat freak.

Call it nesting if you will, or just the urge to clean out closets, laundry rooms, and rid ones life of junk.

We are at 23 days and counting, and I have spent most of the afternoon and evening while John was out (work, then men's bible study) cleaning. You would be shocked at the difference. No more clutter on the desk, sewing stuff mostly put away, it's great. :)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Hey Whitney. I totally understand!I have this innate urge to clean, organize and get rid of stuff before baby arrives. We've gone through two rooms and hope to get through the rest before he comes. We probably have a "little" more junk than you guys!

We're praying for all of you! Enjoy these last few days before your precious bundle arrives.

Elizabeth (Dziadul)